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- Tags: Sabre Mask
Padded Fencing Mask
Tags: Fencing Mask, Sabre Mask
Santelli Fencing Equipment Catalog with 1975 Price List
Tags: American Model Pistol Grip Aluminum and Plastic, American Model Pistol Grip Foil, Belgian Model Pistol Grip Aluminum and Plastic, Belgian Model Pistol Grip Foil, Bib for Mask, Buttons for Foil, Cetrulo Model Pistol Grip, Championship Foil, Dos Santos Model Pistol Grip Foil, Dos Santos Model Pistol Grip Plastic, Elbow Protector, Electrical Equipment, Epee Blade, Epee Sleeve, Equipment bags, Fencing Shoes, Foil, Foil Epee Glove, Foil Glove, Foil-Epee Mask, Foil-Epee Pommel, Foil-Sabre Glove, French Epee, French Epee Grip Cord -Wound, French Epee Grip Leather Wrapped, French Epee Guard Steel and Aluminum, French Foil, French Foil Blade, French Foil Grip Cord-Wound, French Foil Grip Leather Wrapped, French Foil Guard Steel and Aluminum, George Santelli, Hungarian Sabre, Hungarian Sabre Guard Steel and Aluminum, Inc., Instruction Books, Instructor Plastron, Italian, Italian Epee, Italian Epee Guard Steel, Italian Foil Blade, Italian Foil Grip Carved Wood, Italian Foil Grip Cord-Wound, Italian Foil Guard Steel and Aluminum, Italian Pommel, Jacket Measurements, Men’s Foil-Sabre Jacket, Men’s Foil-Sabre Knickers, Men’s Half Jacket, Men’s Practice Jacket, Men’s Three-Weapon Jacket, Men’s Three-Weapon Knickers, Olympic Sabre, Olympic Sabre Guard Steel and Aluminum, Over Plastron, Pistol Grip, Pistol Grip Blade, Pistol Grip Pommel, Practice target, Regulation Foil, Rule book, Sabre Blade, Sabre Glove, Sabre Grip Carved Wood, Sabre Grip Cord-Wound, Sabre Mask, Sabre Pommel, Santelli, Santelli Fencing Catalog, Santelli Regulation Foil, Santelli Sabre, Scoring Equipment, Spanish Model Pistol Grip, Three-Weapon Glove, Three-Weapon Mask, Thumb Pad, Tournament Sabre, Under Plastron, Visconti Model Pistol Grip Aluminum, Visconti Model Pistol Grip Foil, Warm up suits, Woman’s chest protector, Woman’s Half Jacket, Woman’s Knickers, Woman’s Practice Jacket, Woman’s Regulation Jacket, Wrist Strap
1902 Horstmann Fencing Goods Catalog
Tags: Boston, Broadsword Mask, Catalog, Coulaux, Fencing Belt, Fencing Epees, Fencing Foil Masks, Fencing Foils, Fencing Goods, Fencing Sabres, Fencing Shoes, Figure 8 Guard, Glove, Hau Rapier, Heavy Mask, Horstmann, Italian Foil, Jacket, New York, Nickel Plating, Paris, Plastron, Sabre Glove, Sabre Mask, Scabbard, Shagreen, Silver-Plated, Singlestick Mask, Twine Grip, Wm. H. Horstmann Company, Wooden Swords