Browse Items (402 total)

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.017 - IMG-01.jpg
French postcard with a photograph of the inside of a military fencing school. Two fencers can be seen fencing with sabres as three other fencers and three uniformed soldiers observe. Foils and fencing masks (both padded and unpadded) line the wall…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.021 - IMG-01.jpg
Wire mesh fencing mask similar in design to a mask depicted in the Heck Encyclopedia of 1851 (Fig. 8). Features a retaining bar across top of the head and a tongue over and behind the head. Fabric covering sewn onto the sides and top of the wire mesh…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.024 - IMG-01.jpg
1896 engraving titled "Le Tournoi International d'Escrime" published in the illustrated magazine "l'Illustration." Depicts an epee bout with onlookers at an international fencing tournament in Paris. The presence of an accompanying descriptive…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.023 - IMG-01.jpg
Newspaper article with photographs describing the use of an umbrella for self defense. Techniques created by the Institute for Physical Culture in Philadelphia in response to increasing robbery of women. The cause of the increase, the author claims,…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.025 - IMG-01.jpg
Periodical cover engraving commemorating a festival organized by the Société d'Encouragement de l'Escrime celebrating fencing through the ages. Depicts two fencers in 16th century costume fencing two-handed sword versus sword and shield on a raised…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.026 - IMG-01.jpg
Illustrated article on the reception of Italian fencing and Italian fencing masters in France. Also provides commentary on the state of fencing and the rivalry between the Italian and French School.

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.027 - IMG-01.jpg
Four combined engravings by E.A. Tilly depicting the fencing school facilities on rue Saint-Marc, Paris, and Monsieur Rüe, the professor of the school. The top image depicts the salle d'armes during a public assault on December 8, 1887, with…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.029 - IMG-01.jpg
Full page engraving depicting a Grand Assault in the salons of Hotel Dollfus on rue de Presbourg, Paris. Two foil fencers are framed in symbolic ornamentation including two men with polearms and a panoply of weapons and fencing equipment. Above the…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.032 - IMG-01.jpg
Notice of a duel between Monsieur Thomeguex, a well-known amateur and Barré, a left-handed fencing master. The duel was led by Monsieur Breittmayer. After thirty-five minutes with no result, Mr. Breittmayer appealed to the two opponents attempting to…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.036 - IMG-01.jpg
Article on the imminent double duel of two well-known Italian masters, Pessina and Vega, against two well-known French masters, Kirchhoffer and Lucien Mérignac.

The encounter between these masters was initially designed to be serious but…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.037 - IMG-01.jpg
Fencing provost diploma for Monsieur Antoine Louis Dusautoir, soldier of the 20e Battalion de chasseurs à pied. Issued by the Ecole Normale Militaire de Gymnastique at Joinville-le-Pont. Signed by members of the exam jury:Hottelet, le Sergent Major…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.045 - IMG-01.jpg
Postcard with a photograph from the Ecole Normale Militaire de Gymnastique et d'Escrime at Joinville. Labeled as “Un Examen de Sabre” taken at Camp de St-Maur. Two instructors are observing two fencers, presumably mid-examination. The fencer on the…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.046 - IMG-01.jpg
Postcard with photograph from the Ecole Normale Militaire de Gymnastique et d'Escrime at Joinville-le-Pont. Taken at Camp de St-Maur and labeled with "Escrime au Fleuret." A crowd watches three pairs of fencers. The two fencers in for foreground are…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.047 - IMG-01.jpg
Postcard with photograph from the Ecole Normale Militaire de Gymnastique et d'Escrime at Joinville-le-Pont. Taken at Camp de St-Maur. Even though the postcard is labeled as “Assaut de Fleuret,” the group of fencers in this photograph are fencing with…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.048 - IMG-01.jpg
Postcard with photograph from the Ecole Normale Militaire de Gymnastique et d'Escrime at Joinville-le-Pont. Taken at Camp de St-Maur labeled as “Une Poule a I’Epee." A crowd watches two epee fencers as a director holds their points together prior to…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.049 - IMG-01.jpg
Postcard with photograph from the Ecole Normale Militaire de Gymnastique et d'Escrime at Joinville. Labeled as “Division d’Escrime” taken at Camp de St-Maur. In the photograph you can see fencers fencing sabre. The fencer on the right is seen…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.057 - IMG-01.jpg
Fencing mask with a cotton-padded canvas bib and thick leather band on the top and sides of the mask encircling the face.

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.055 - IMG-01.jpg
Mask featuring protective bars around the circumference, relatively small bib & throat protection, and face mesh tilted to favor the top of the head. These features indicate the mask was likely designed to protect against cutting…

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.058 - IMG-01.jpg
Fencing mask with ring-shaped tongue, dark green leather trim, and d-shaped mesh panels on the sides and top of the head that protrude rearwards for additional protection.

Purchased by the owner as part of a pair.

Fencing Arms & Artifacts - 2020.059 - IMG-01.jpg
Fencing mask with ring-shaped tongue, dark green leather trim, and d-shaped mesh panels on the sides and top of the head that protrude rearwards for additional protection.

Purchased by the owner as part of a pair.
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